Ellis Huntsinger, a traveling salesman returned to Eau Claire County on hard times. He decided to return to farming and planted a half acre of horseradish, enough for the family supply.
Ellis purchased Becky Gardens, a larger farm in which he could begin to expand his operation. He later changed the name to Silver Spring Gardens thanks to a clear water spring on the property. At this time he also invested in a tractor and plow to add to his team of horses, walking plow, cultivator and corn planter.

One evening at supper, Huntsinger was about to give his coffee a shot of dairy creamer when the jar of horseradish at the table caught his eye. He added the creamer to the horseradish and upon tasting found the flavor to be more pleasant. He accidentally forgot about the horseradish in the fridge for three weeks and when he tested the product, it was still as strong as when he had put it in. That's when he realized he hit the jackpot and started adding cream to horseradish as a natural preservative and flavor enhancer.

In 1960, Gene Heintz took over as farm manager for Huntsinger Farms. He holds the record for longest employed with the company at 55 years. Gene started out picking dill in the field as a young boy.

Bavarian Mustard was introduced during the summer of 1989. The German-style, course-grain mustard made its debut in a beveled, glass mug. It was later recreated into a version of the Deli Style Mustard.

Silver Spring Gardens purchased the trademark and food division of Bookbinder's, Inc., a famous seafood restaurant and food producer based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.